Northern Breeze

Avraham ben Yaakov | Torah thoughts from the celestial city of Tz'fat

“A harp was hung above King David’s bed, and at midnight the north breeze would blow over the strings and it would play by itself.”
– Talmud Bavli Brakhot 3b

Shalom! Welcome!

These letters are sent to you with love, offering Torah insights and paths of empowerment so that we may together make something better out of today’s  troubled world.

  • Current Events and End of Days
  • In-gathering of the Souls of Israel and Righteous of the Nations
  • Freedom from the yoke of tyranny
  • Mashiach, Redemption and the Restoration of the House of Prayer for All the Nations in Jerusalem

Let us seek the Unity that underlies our diversity, and learn to respect one another and follow the ways of peace.

“For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of God to serve Him with one accord.” (Tzephaniah 3:9)

“Then they that fear God will speak to one another, and God will listen and hear, and a book of remembrance will be written before Him for those who fear God and think upon His Name.” (Malachi 3:16)

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Not nice to have to say, but…

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Avraham Ben Yaakov

Avraham ben Yaakov Greenbaum is a Torah teacher in Tz’fat (Safed) in Israel’s Galilee, and author of translations and commentaries on Bible, Hassidut, Kabbalah, Spiritual Growth, Health, Healing and the Environment.

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